Friday 5 August 2016



So I haven't written a review or a blog in a while but for this film I had to do one! Over a year ago Comic Con released a trailer for Suicide Squad and DC fans had to wait oh so long for a few more glimpses of Harley Quinn and her fellow iconic co-characters. After multiple trailers, clips and songs were released today is the day the film itself comes to cinemas everywhere.

No doubt a film with this much hype will attract audiences from all over the world (comic book fans or not). It is difficult to produce a comic book film that will please die hard fans as well as the general cinema goer, but I believe the Squad bring something unique the screen that provides entertainment for a world that can use some fun right now.

Sometimes, I do think building a film up so much is a mistake, as it will never live up to a whole year worth of waiting. I absolutely loved the film, despite what critics have said, I really enjoyed the madness and fast paced editing the film had to offer. However, the trailers and general build up to the film, advertise something different to the film itself. It was as mad as I expected it to be, but the story line had never once been revealed and there was an ongoing question as to who is the villain of a film that focuses on the bad guys? This all becomes clear but the narrative takes some unexpected twists and turns along the way.

The performances were all spot on and the montages had me on the edge of my seat with excitement every time. To see such iconic imagery from the comics themselves portrayed on the screen (primarily, through Harley and Joker scenes) was amazing. It was all brought to life in such a unique and fun way that fans would appreciate highly. Margot Robbie nailed Harley Quinn; playing her as a funny, sexy, tragic, deadly and lovable ball of fun, To play a character never brought to life on the screen before must have been a huge challenge but she succeeded and pretty much owned the movie.

Will Smith as always impresses as he plays the ultimate anti-hero and deadly assassin; Deadshot. The sad but justified backstory gives the audience an underlying sympathy for the character and a certain loyalty to him. Characters like Killer Croc and El Diablo had lesser spotlight but still provided the audience with a security and general togetherness of the squad itself.

The much anticipated portrayal of the Joker by Jared Leto, certainly does not disappoint. However, many fans are slightly disheartened by the lack of screen time given to the most iconic of Batman villains. I think the lack of screen time was appropriate, as Leto deserves to be in the spotlight for DC film that focuses centrally on the Joker himself. He stole every scene he was in and was a genuinely scary gangster version of the Joker that has never been done before.

The faults I found in the film lies within the editing. At times, it appeared strangly put together and almost rushed. We all know the studio re-shot some scenes after the panic of bad reviews for Batman Vs Superman, but that panic can be evident during some scenes of the film. However, the narrative still made sense and the flashbacks worked well within the narrative. The soundtrack did seem like it crammed way too much in, but the songs really bring the scenes to life and will have you getting excited for what happens next.

 Overall, the narrative of Suicide Squad was very comic book focused, whilst also containing so much unpredictability and its own niche. The characters were all portrayed brilliantly by a superb cast. All I can say now, is go see if for yourself to make your own mind up. I think its important to realise everyone has different opinions and love or hate it, just make sure you see it yourself.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday 29 March 2016


So... after about 2 or 3 years of waiting, I got to see Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice at a midnight showing at one of my local cinemas. I was rightly or wrongly very excited before the film started. So here is my review at long last - 


I know a lot of critics have completely slated the movie, because it either didn't explain certain things or moved too fast etc. If you're already a DC fan like myself and if you enjoyed Zack Snyder's Man of Steel, you would have understood various references and hints to any future Justice League material. 

In my opinion, there was a lot crammed in and not all of it was necessary. The trailer (which I must have watched a hundred times) gave away the 'surprise' of Wonder Woman making an appearance which I think they should have kept secret. Imagine if no one knew she would turn up until the very end of the film? Fans would be pretty blown away by it. 

Another thing; the title of the film made out it would focus on a 'war' between Batman and Superman. Like a lot of people predicted, the film was not based around who would win in a fight. Especially as the sub-heading is 'Dawn of Justice'. However, those who paid to see the two fight it out and waited  for 3 years -  got an 8 minute fight between the two heroes. I can imagine that must have been a huge let down, as epic as the fight was, it was a bit all over the place and unguided.

Batman - 
So I really liked Ben Affleck's take on the caped crusader. As a much older Batman, you can see he is darkened by a past that has destroyed his friends and family. 
We really didn't have to see yet another replay of Bruce Wayne's parents being murdered, did we? 
And the introduction to Bruce as a young boy surrounded by bats was way too cheesy. 

I loved how we see the fight between Zod and Superman from Bruce's perspective and we begin to see the hatred brewing. Alfred was brilliant, I feel like they're could have been a line of two about Robin or the Bat family to give us more background, especially to those who might not know the stories within the comics. 

The Batmobile was beyond impressive - but we seemed to have no introduction to the new armored suit, it just turned up before the fight.

For me, superman is superman. Everyone knows he loves Lois Lane, his weakness is Kryptonite, his nemesis is Lex Luthor blah blah. So for me, his story line was somewhat dull and predictable. How many times does he need to save Lois or his mother till we get that he is a good guy. Jesse Eisenberg was brilliant as a young Lex, mad and a genius. I love how we now have a build up to his role as an important antagonist. 

But we do need Superman to have the Justice League and Henry Cavill plays the role perfectly. Until... 


So yeah Superman dies (or does he? dun dun dun) This was way too cheesy and the entire time they were milking Clark's/Soop's death I kept saying in my head "yeah he's not dead" and surprise surprise they didn't kill off the main character. 

I felt like this ending was just scrapping the barrel - its like they said "what would make this movie so shocking?" and it just didn't work. 

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice superman batman v superman batman vs superman superman vs batman

Overall, I think the film was great as a teaser of what's to come. I think Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is a dark horse and is just an introduction to future installments of the Justice League, Wonder Woman, Aqua Man, Suicide Squad, Flash etc. 

The film wasn't terrible, It just didn't lead up to expectations. It is worth seeing if you are a fan already or if you enjoy superhero flicks! 

Sunday 13 March 2016

Motivational Movies

As one of my best mates is walking for her mum in  The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity fundraiser today, I have chosen to dedicate a blog about motivational movies!

If anyone wishes to support her, text RMCC163 to 70070 to donate £3. Its a really good cause and they're all dressed like idiots so its worth it.

On with the list now!

10. Good Will Hunting -

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck's debut as writers and actors, Good Will Hunting explores what its like to work towards your achievements and dreams. Also Robin Williams *cries*

9. Cool Runnings -

Bit of Disney now. Funny, heart warming and inspiring - a story about a Jamaican Bobsled team making it in the Olympics. A feel-good family classic.

8. The Blind Side -

A story about a young man who had nothing and becomes an all American football player and hero. With some amazing dialogue and incredible morals, The Blind Side is truly inspirational.

7. 8 Mile -

Eminem's movie debut. The story of a poor young white man who struggles to help provide his little sister with the life she deserves. He pursues his dream of rapping and so comes his undeniable success in the music industry. And of course, the hit Lose Yourself features as the main soundtrack which is motivational in itself.

6. The Shawshank Redemption -

An innocent man is thrown in jail for the murder of his wife and her lover. He has to adapt to 19 years of brutal prison life. But Andy never loses sight of his dreams.

5. Forrest Gump -

A classic story of a slow witted man who doesn't let anything stand his way. The incredible story of his life and his dreams in chasing the woman he loves. Run Forrest Run!

4. The Theory of Everything -

The true story of Steven Hawking and his heart wrenching battle with ALS. No matter what, he becomes and remains, the greatest mind of all time. He never lets the disease take him over and he never gives up.

3. The Pursuit of Happiness

Tissues at the ready. Will Smith and his son Jaden (when he was adorable) play a father and son trying live and survive in San Francisco with no job or money. Always clinging to hope and never giving up gives them the ending they deserve.

2. Unbroken -

The incredible true story of an Olympic runner who turned pilot during World War II. Louis Zamperini went through hell and back by enduring weeks out at sea with no food or water, becoming a Japanese prisoner of war and undergoing torture and hard labour at the camps. Angelina Jolie's masterpiece is one powerful watch.

1. Rocky -

Whether its the music, the amazing speech or the determination of the characters, Rocky is undeniably one of the most motivational movies of all time. A feel-good classic and franchise, Rocky provides us with a 'never give up' morality, an important message through life we can all relate to.

Tuesday 16 February 2016


I haven't written a blog in such a long time because the sheer amount of uni work I've been doing! 

So i'm going to start again with a quick review on Deadpool!

By now, most Marvel fans have already seen it so there will be possible spoilers ahead!

Deadpool has been hyped up since 2014 and for good reason. 2016 seems like a massive year for superhero movies, both DC and Marvel. So all the fan boys and girls are pretty much at war.

Marvel currently in the lead, with Deadpool smashing its weekend Box Office (and for good reason). 
Those who aren't familiar with the character of Wade Wilson as unlikely superhero, Deadpool are in for a surprise. The number of forth wall breaks (including one within a forth wall - if that's even possible) and Marvel references had the audience in fits of laughter. 

Set in the same Universe as X-Men, there were bound to be hundreds of Hugh Jackman references which did not disappoint. Almost like a parody movie, Deadpool pointed and laughed at all the stereotypical superhero traits and story lines, There was even the classic British villain, a revenge story line and of course Stan Lee's appearance got the entire cinema cheering.

Even the promo material for Deadpool has fans laughing...

As every Marvel fan knows, wait around after the credits for a clip that basically gives away nothing but worth every second! 

Deadpool has already been commissioned for a sequel (no surprise) so if you haven't seen it yet, what you waiting for?  

Saturday 9 January 2016

Making A Murderer

(Possible spoilers ahead)

The new Netflix original documentary everyone is talking about...

Making A Murderer

For good reason this series began trending shortly after its release on Netflix. If you haven't seen it, what are you doing? watch it because its so important.

A lot of us love watching serial killer documentaries for some reason or another. It interests and fascinates us, how human beings can be so different and not grasp the concept of right and wrong. But Making A Murderer is not like that at all.

Instead, the series shows us Steven Avery's trial from the other side of the prosecution.
A man wrongly arrested and sentenced to 18 years in prison for the rape of a young woman is set free after DNA evidence proves his innocence.

Whilst fighting to sue the department that came straight to him without sufficient evidence, Avery became a significant figure against the American justice system. Just two years later, a young woman goes missing and Avery is the first (and only) suspect the police come to. The same department. The same officers.

Without giving to much of the series away (because you should really watch it), Avery undergoes an investigation that will make you question the motives of the justice system, and whether they would rather find the real criminal or simply give the murderer a face, the first chance they get. It will make you re-think what you hear in the press and teach you not to judge or convict people based on who they are.

It can be argued that Avery and his family became victims of the Justice system that failed them on multiple occasions. Let's not forget that Steven had already served 18 years of his life in prison for a crime he did not commit. They're lives have now been destroyed and as you will see in the series, a corrupt system overlooks so much evidence that had the potential to free him.

The series is 10 episodes long and I believe it is one of the most eye-opening documentaries I have ever seen. I feel like everyone should watch it or at least know about Steven's case.
Get ready to Binge...


Tuesday 29 December 2015


Now that Christmas is over, I wanted to write about all things Film, TV and Netflix for 2016.

I doubt I will be the only person spending all my money in the cinema next year. DC and Marvel (as usual) promise to bring epic blockbusters next year through the explosive trailers that have been released super early.

And because i'm such a geek, I have been reading up on some really outgoing fan theories surrounding films like Suicide Squad and Captain America: Civil War. (If you are interested its worth checking out - they are usually 100% wrong but I think they show interesting narratives).

Not only are the Superhero films going to explode onto screen, but Disney are also cashing in through remake after remake. This is something most people tend to criticize, but how excited were you when you saw The Jungle Book Trailer? Exactly.

So here it is, my top 10 of films everyone MUST see in 2016. I'll probably just live in the cinema next year.

10. Zoolander 2 (February) 

Derek and Hansel are back next year for the first time since their male model debut in 2001. I just hope the sequel is as funny as the first. Male models, celebrity cameos, and Will Ferrell. I will definitely be seeing this one. 

9. X Men: Apocalypse (May)

Points to Marvel, another X Men Movie promises us more action, drama and the mutants we all either love or hate. Personally, I am not a huge X Men fan, but this movie is a must see with 2016's Superhero takeover. 

8. The Legend of Tarzan (July) 

Warner Brothers recreate a classic story of a boy raised by gorillas. Personally, this is one of my top Disney classics, so I hope they do the original animation justice. Excellent cast with Margot Robbie and Christoph Waltz - from the trailer, its seems to have a 2005 King Kong vibe to it. But still can't wait to see what is in store for Tarzan. 

7. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (November)

Set 70 years before Harry Potter and his friends attended Hogwarts, Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne) discovers New York's secret community of witches and wizards. This fantasy adventure from J.K Rowling herself, hopes to relive the magic of Harry Potter and offer more from the world of wizards that we all know and love.  

6. The BFG (July)

When I first saw the trailer for The BFG, I had goosebumps. Disney are re-inventing the British childhood classic we all remember from the old TV being wheeled into classrooms on a rainy day. And Disney has already done it justice from its not so revealing trailer. I hope they stick to the original story and maybe even include some of those songs! 

5. The Jungle Book (April)

Another remake from Disney, The Jungle Book is set to release in 2016. With a much darker undertone, the trailer guarantees us a phenomenal cast, spectacular imagery and all the classic characters from the original.  

4. Deadpool (February)

Not like any other Superhero movie, as the trailer suggests. If you know the character of Deadpool, you know this is NOT a family film. Ryan Reynolds suits up as the funny, crude and no sh*t talking anti-hero. Watch the red band trailer for a glimpse of this VERY different superhero flick. 

3. Captain America: Civil War (May)

Okay, so the trailer might have made me cry. Captain America battles with his own morals and his 'friends' in the upcoming sequel and promises audiences an epic battle between himself and Iron Man. The trailer also reveals Black Panther - a massively important character in Marvel comics. Can't wait to see these iconic characters in action!

2. Batman Vs Superman (March)

DC time. As Marvel and DC have always done, they are head to head again with head to head movies. Iron Man Vs Captain America and Batman Vs Superman. (I am slightly biased being a DC fan, so that's why this is number 2.) The latest trailer has made me even more excited for this movie. Although there has been a lot of criticism over Batfleck, from what we see in the trailer, I think he might just surprise everyone. I will most likely write a full blog when the movie is out, so I won't go on to much. I just know I will be in the front row for this one. Oh and there's Wonder Woman. 

1. Suicide Squad (August) 

And finally, my top pick for next year is Suicide Squad. Since Warner Brothers decided to release a full trailer after its leak at comic con earlier this year, I have probably watched it over a hundred times. Lets just hope the film lives up to its much anticipated arrival. For those who don't know, the highly skilled bad guys from the DC Universe are summoned together by the Government for a dangerous mission. Much of the details of the upcoming film have been kept under wraps, although from the trailer, Batman does make an appearance at some point. We can also see the link between him and his nemesis, the Joker, in the Batman Vs Superman trailer via Robin's suit in the Bat Cave. Again, I will most likely write a blog on this when the movie has been released but until then, I will probably just watch the trailer again and again. 

So that's it! If your feeling the January blues, just remember what Hollywood is offering in 2016. Happy New Year and Happy viewing! 

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Top Christmas Films

Sorry to all those Grinch's and Scrooge's out there... but here it comes - My top Christmas films!

If you're like me and you're not feeling so Christmassy this year, then maybe this list of festive films will help. It's got to be better than suffering the crowded shops and the cold weather!

So put some fairy lights up, relax and enjoy this top ten list of Christmas movies! :)

10. Polar Express

Not my personal favorite Christmas film, but its always reminds me of being a kid at Christmas and how exciting Christmas Eve night was. And of course, Tom Hanks stars, so it has to be on the list.

9. Miracle on 34th Street

Such an adorable film. Like all good festive movies, this one really has the feel good factor and is a great one to watch with all the family! This quote is so deep as well...

8. The Snowman

WE'RE WALKING IN THE AIR -This film is so beautiful and brings back all those Christmas memories we cherish.

7. Christmas with the Kranks

Away from the emotional stuff now. This film is one of the funniest and still just as moving Christmas movies. Tim Allen, doing what he does best - Christmas - he won't disappoint!

6. Home Alone (ALL OF THEM)

Guaranteed to be on TV over Christmas and remains as shocking, funny and heartwarming as ever.


5. The Santa Clause

He's back again. Tim Allen accidentally takes on the role of Santa Clause. After seeing this when it came out, I was 100% convinced he was the real Santa. (still am)

4. A Muppet's Christmas Carol

Don't judge. This film was my childhood. The Muppets are great anyway, but their take on this classic Christmas story is just amazing! Also Michael Caine.

3.Love Actually

Of course this is on the list. All star cast, adorable, heartwarming and funny intertwining stories; Love Actually makes it into my top three any day. I love how this film doesn't just show the typical boy meets girl story line,  it also shows the love between friends and family, which is often overlooked.

2. Elf

Take an over enthusiastic Elf from Santa's workshop and put him in New York City over Christmas makes one of the funniest Christmas films there is. Will Ferrell is brilliant as Buddy exploring New York and will always bring out your inner Elf.

1, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

Jim Carrey is always one to make me laugh and in this festive classic he doesn't disappoint. Whether its the nostalgia, memorable soundtrack or weird looking 'who's' - this film is essential every year!
With hilarious moments and great morals this film has to be number one!